On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 05:45 PM, Alex S wrote:

> The make command will take the argument typically used to specify a 
> "tag" in the make file, and interpret it to mean the filename of a 
> makefile, if the file exists.

> Well... I hope I've thoroughly confused you.  :)

Sorry to disappoint you, then... Your explanation made perfect sense. :-)

It's surprising that make would behave this way, though. Why would make 
assume that "install" really means "-f install," when there's a target 
named "install" in the default makefile? I can see why it would revert 
to trying that if it couldn't find a makefile, or couldn't find an 
"install" target, but why would it second guess perfectly correct input? 
That's just bizarre.

At any rate, the suggested workaround is a great idea. I'd even go 
further than that, and add the .txt extension to *all* of the plain text 
files, rather than just INSTALL, so that users of GUI-based systems see 
an icon indicating that they're text files, and so that when they click 
on them they open in their preferred editor.


Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. There might be a law 
against it by that time.

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