On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 11:17  AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

> On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 12:45 PM, bob ackerman wrote:
>> say camelbones doesn't do 'views' which limits are ability as well. not 
>> ready for pryme tyme.
> You've made similar comments in the past, and I'm wondering - how many 
> people here see not being able to write custom controls in Perl as a 
> major sticking point?

ok. i am a not-know-much. what i know, i read in the camelbones doc. 
please help me understand.
are you saying we can create views in ib and use them - we just can't 
create 'custom' views? which means what - subclassing? and i still don't 
think i would know how to handle them in perl.
perhaps just a few more little examples of how, in general, to translate 
obj-c into perl.
where obj-c creates a class and calls a method with named arguments, what 
would we do in perl?

> I my experience, I haven't needed many custom controls, as the ones 
> provided by AppKit are very good. I'm also of the opinion that low level 
> components like that are best written in the native language of the 
> toolkit, for efficiency's sake. Finally, as others have already pointed 
> out, most of the existing Cocoa docs are written with Objective-C in mind 
> anyway, so realistically it's going to be hard to avoid learning it.
> So, for various reasons, custom view classes in Perl have been pretty low 
> on my priority list. If y'all see the lack of them as a major issue, 
> though, I'm willing to figure out how to do it sooner, rather than later.
>  For the most part, CamelBones as it is, does most of what I set out to 
> do; database front-ends and a nice POD viewer that uses readable fonts. 
> Where it goes from here depends a great deal on your feedback.
>> at least we have each other ... and this list
> That's a pretty big "at least," when you consider that pretty much 
> everyone involved with CamelBones is on this list. :-)
> sherm--


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