You can look for PHPNuke too: I've worked on it for a website (the 
designer needed some help)(and its url is and I 
found in that system all you need.


> On Monday, October 14, 2002, at 10:07 AM, Puneet Kishor wrote:
>> Listers,
>> While I wait to resolve perl errors on my Jaguar perl 5.6.0, I have a 
>> more generic question re content-management.
>> I want to make a few websites for a few starving artists and 
>> galleries starving = zero or tending to zero resources; artists = 
>> almost computer illiterates). I have promised them the world in that 
>> the websites would be dynamic... visitors would be able to search for 
>> artworks based on different criteria, there would be an events 
>> calendar, etc. etc. More than anything, once set up, these 
>> artists/galleries would be able update the website themselves. After 
>> promising all this, I said to myself, "Oops!".
>> Additionally, I have to develop these websites on my iBook, and host 
>> them on a cheap, server I am going to buy from eBay and install 
>> FreeBSD on it. My assumption is the FreeBSD is gonna be the closest 
>> to OS X in its directory layout and tools, and therefore not send me 
>> on too much of a loop (while these artists view me as a computer god, 
>> I am actually a Unix newbie).
>> Here is my thinking -- I should consider using something like 
>> MoveableType or even a wiki to make the websites. That would allow 
>> the artists to themselves update the content as desired. I could use 
>> something like Mason, but I really don't want to get into mod_perl 
>> for now (I know Mason can work without mod_perl, but really likes 
>> mod_perl around). I want to have a little a standard deviation as 
>> possible from the stock installs... read, Apache 1.3.26 and perl 
>> 5.6.0 that comes with OS X. I am not averse to MySQL (I know MySQL 
>> quite well) but am not comfortable with PostGres (hence, 
>> Bricolage/Mason would not be an easy choice for me).
>> MoveableType is really elegant... could it be configured to create an 
>> art gallery website? Wiki is perhaps the most elegant in its 
>> simplicity... what do you folks feel about that?
>> Any advice much appreciated on any or all aspects of the above.
>> Puneet.

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