On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 06:51  AM, Puneet Kishor wrote:

> I looked very longingly at bricolage, but I found a few things wrong 
> with it... (1) it requires a lot of complicated pieces to be in place 
> in order to work; (2) not supporting MySQL is problematic for me; (3) 
> there was no way I could "play" with it before deciding... on 
> bricolage's website there are a few screenshots, but that's it... no 
> live demo, no list of other sites I can see that are running 
> bricolage, etc. And, of course, since it is so complicated to install, 
> I couldn't just easily "play" with it.

A few notes on this (caveat: I'm the Bricolage maintainer):

* Bricolage does require you to install Perl -- but only because you 
need to compile Apache with mod_perl statically compiled in. You could 
do this in a directory structure completely independent of Apple's Perl 
if you needed to -- it's possible to have both. This is what I do, as a 
matter of fact.

* I "requires a lot of complicated pieces to be in place in order to 
work" because of how much it does. But that might be a clue that it 
might be overkill for your needs. It's really designed to work for 
large organizations.

* Some folks have offered to port Bricolage to MySQL, but no one has 
actually done it. Pity. Anyway, PostgreSQL is *very* easy to install on 
Mac OS X (either by compiling yourself or using a binary from 
www.entropy.ch), and getting easier to use every day.

* I have a test installation of Bricolage you could play with. Just pop 
me a message and I'll set up an account. Having a live demo, however, 
would be a pretty serious security risk, since templates are written in 
Perl and untainted.

* I'm working on getting a list of sites that use Bricolage. Here are a 


* If you have Apache/mod_perl and PostgreSQL installed, installing 
Bricolage is not at all difficult thanks to the hard work of Sam Tregar 
in building an installation script. I'll concede that it's not as easy 
as Moveable Type, though!

BTW, I wrote an appendix to the forthcoming ORA Mason book on 
Bricolage. It covers installation and gives a brief introduction to 
using it. Check it out!



David Wheeler                                     AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 ICQ: 15726394
http://david.wheeler.net/                      Yahoo!: dew7e
                                                Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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