My apologies...

Yes, Pete, you did mention MT, and its licensing cost. It was my 
oversight to not restate that.

Cost _is_ a problem, and I have to talk with the Trotts about it. If 
the Gallery/artists I am doing this for start making any money there 
will be no problem in paying up. That said, MT might make things so 
simple that $150 might be worth the trouble saved. I really have to 
study their EULA, so to say.

Thanks Pete, for your help.

On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 09:34  AM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> Well, I did mention MovableType (offlist) but didn't know if the cost 
> (for commercial use) or the license would be a problem.
> I believe that by using MovableType you agree to not charge anything 
> for the installation/setup you do for others, and last I checked the 
> commercial license is $150. Again, for someone doing freelance work, 
> on the cheap, these can be problematic issues.
> ..

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