At 9:16 AM -0800 1/13/03, David Wheeler wrote:
Follow my instructions in part 1, which work for Apache 1.3.27, too (that's what I'm running, now). One thing you should always try to do with mod_perl 1.x is compile it into Apache statically.
I've done this, but I'm curious as to why this is what "should" be done. Doesn't Apple's default install have mod_perl as a DSO (w/perl 5.6.0, of course)? If so, and it works, shouldn't we be able to do whatever they did to build a new one with perl-5.8.0?

Ray Zimmerman / e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 428-B Phillips Hall
Sr Research / phone: (607) 255-9645 / Cornell University
Associate / FAX: (815) 377-3932 / Ithaca, NY 14853

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