On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 12:13:43 -0700, Steve Axthelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> UltraEdit does a fine job:
> <http://www.ultraedit.com/>

It does, but I prefer TextPad (<http://www.textpad.com>), if only for
the fact that it's the only text editor I've ever seen that handles
line wrapping in The Way It Should Be Done By Everybody. :-)

I believe it's also slightly cheaper than UltraEdit (both TextPad and
UltraEdit are $15-$20 cheaper than the BBEdit 8.0 *upgrade* price, and
are every bit as good - market forces maybe, but if you have a Windows
license knocking around it's *cheaper* to buy VPC and one of these
puppies than it is to buy BBEdit on its own -- *plus* you get the
capabilities to run x86-based operating systems).

Thanks for everyone's comments, by the way. Text editors are the new
religion, honestly ;-)

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