Thanks. You make it very clear.
I have assumed they should be the same.

I took a look at Net::SSH and it seems it is not what
I want. It is much easier to install Net::SSH though.

SSH has been a big headache to me. I wish OS X
just has telnet. It is good enough for my purpose.
I wish SSH has an option that says turn it into rlogin or

On Jun 24, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:

Ted Zeng wrote:

Why the system behaves differently when I ssh to a machine
from Terminal than when I ssh to the same machine by Perl's SSH module?

Here is the problem:
I added a tool to /usr/local/bin. I updated the profile file.
Now if I ssh to the machine, I could use "which tool" to find it.

But when I try to do the same in Perl, the reply is
"no tool in /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin"

ted zeng
Adobe Systems

The difficult part is that the answer is really "just because" :-). When
you use the 'ssh' from the terminal you are using the local ssh client.
That client establishes a connection to a remote ssh server and tells
that server that it wants to run a command, that command is to init a
shell and then interact.  So when you send your 'which' command you are
interacting with the remote shell over the ssh "tunnel". But when you
use Net::SSH::Perl (which I am assuming is the module you are using) you
are establishing a connection to a remote SSH session, but the
command(s) you send are being exec'd directly (presumably by /bin/sh)
which may or may not have loaded the same environment as the normal user
shell (for instance, skipping any .bashrc/.bash_profile, etc.). I
believe (though haven't tested) that the same would occur if you
provided a command to the local ssh client instead of requesting an
interactive shell.

Net::SSH provides a wrapper around the local 'ssh' command but I have
not used it. I tested it once quite a while ago and preferred
Net::SSH::Perl *for my purposes*.


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