At 5:45 PM -0500 2/10/15, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
Having both forums and mailing lists would be harmful to the community. We'd end up with two bubbles (one much smaller, probably) that don't interact with each other.

The only way forums would work is if we migrated *all* discussion there.

The MythTV project set up an online forum a year ago in addition to the mythtv-users mailing list. I'd say the experience there is that the two bubbles that don't interact much...but that is not a bad thing.

Mailing list volume is basically unchanged since the forum went live. The forum is still growing every month and now gets several thousand visitors per month. The biggest volume of MythTV-via-Macports support that I do is via the forum. But I still follow the mythtv-users mailing list and answer questions there, as well.

As I see it, there are folks who ONLY do mailing lists and folks who ONLY do forums. (And a few of us gluttons that do both.) I suspect that a MacPorts forum would be viable if a few of the usual suspects would answer questions on it. A forum would provide a venue for folks that are not comfortable with subscribing to a mailing list.

Forums do offer a couple of advantages over mailing lists. The key one is: images inline with text. A user can post screen shots together with a description of their issue. Obviously there are ways to achieve much the same result with mailing lists but the integration on a forum thread is very nice.

OTOH, a forum takes work to set up and maintain. I'm not volunteering to do it. But if a forum is created, I'll add it to the list that I check and probably answer questions when I can.

Overall, the MythTV experience shows a forum would not be harmful to the community NOR that we'd have to migrate all discussion there.

PS Some forums can be set up to send you an email when a sub-forum or topic is updated (after your last visit). I don't know of any that allow you to send an email that becomes a posting, however.

PPS One could argue that IRC and mailing lists serve basically the same purpose and it is redundant to have both!
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