On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 11:22 AM, René J.V. <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tuesday February 10 2015 10:49:40 Arno Hautala wrote:
>>list. There's no way to ensure they *won't* get a message.
> Not by sending to the list, no. But there's always the option of sending to a 
> hand-picked selection of list members, if there's a reason to limit the 
> audience.

Also something that doesn't require having a public members list.

> X-No-Archive: True ;)

An easily ignored request :-)

> I said interesting, not useful! Knowing that someone is from 12 timezones 
> away can be useful in certain cases though, for the rest , well, it's part of 
> the stats that could somehow be useful to project maintainers.

I'm not sure what subscriber information would be of interest to
project maintainers. It seems like that is better handled by the
mpstats stuff.

For me at least, I can't see any benefit to having an obfuscated list.
Having a clear list seems creepy. Anything would need to be opt-in
regardless, further decreasing any benefit.

I feel like there are better alternatives (forums) that already
support member lists from the beginning.

> In fact, I'd be very much in favour of that. Between that and a ML, I much 
> prefer to have a browser window that shows me "new posts since last visit" 
> and emails that alert me (and show the content of) new messages in a thread I 
> participate in.
> It typically also allows post authors to edit their prose, should a need for 
> that arise.

I don't know if it's been discussed before, but a MacPorts forum would
seem like a valid topic to be spun off from this point.

arno  s  hautala    /-|   a...@alum.wpi.edu

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