On Tuesday February 10 2015 17:45:39 Lawrence Velázquez wrote:

> "Complementary" implies that the items in question reinforce each other in a 
> positive manner.

I think they would, but who am I ... =)

> Having both forums and mailing lists would be harmful to the community. We'd 
> end up with two bubbles (one much smaller, probably) that don't interact with 
> each other.

I'd take that as an indication that the (much) larger one works better - and 
let the other one die its natural death if that's its fate.

As to being harmful to the community: the current mailing lists are intended 
mostly for support and technical issues. That creates a bit of a one-sided, 
single-minded community, no? (and I'm almost tempted to say - what community ;))

IMHO, a forum would be much more conductive to organising things like 
collaborative efforts, user groups, but also to run polls etc. 

Anyway, macports-dev was probably not the best place to bring this up...

> > to get distracted.
> Use email filters.

Bah, doesn't work. Just means more locations to check for new email ...

> Use Mailman digests.

Except that those contain all messages of all subjects, instead of 1 message 
per thread. A good threading email client would be better, and doesn't oblige 
you to copy paste subject lines and the relevant bits of a message before you 
can even start replying.

> Like third-party archive sites basically do?

No, I had the reverse in mind, for people who don't want to visit a forum but 
still subscribe to what's going on there.
There is forum software that allows you to add a comment by replying to the 
alert/emails you get.

Anyway, I'm not going to keep defending the idea in a resounding void of 
indifference and lack of enthusiasm, but let it go the way of the dodo (like 
myself, but under the French meaning of sleep) =)

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