
I for one so no particular reason why anyone would need a list of all list members, whatever password protection or mangling you put into place. If you want to send someone a mail and not sure if they are are member, just cc them as well and let the system sort the rest out.

I would be very much against such a list being made available to anyone who wants it (just having a password for the MP site is not enough, that is basically anyone who wants it.).


On 10/02/15 17:43, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
On Tuesday February 10 2015 12:30:07 Arno Hautala wrote:

Not by sending to the list, no. But there's always the option of sending to a 
hand-picked selection of list members, if there's a reason to limit the 

Also something that doesn't require having a public members list.

Not public, limited-access, only to members who have a password to access the 
list site. And in my mind, the hand-picking option comes in only after a query 
shows it to be preferable over sending to the list, of course.

I don't know if it's been discussed before, but a MacPorts forum would
seem like a valid topic to be spun off from this point.

Done. To kick off the discussion: has a MacPorts forum site ever been taken 
into consideration and if so, what were the reasons not to provide one (a 
summary would be fine)?

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