Honestly, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart and soul which have both seen 
heard and experience many horrid things in life, this whole freedom scientific 
thing is monstrous.

I was sighted not long ago, and believed that accessibility tech and other 
handicap related accessories were subsidized, given by right by governments or 

After my accident, and looking for access solutions with my friend at the 
hospital, i first tried a free but weird screen reader which name i can't even 
remember. Then came window eyes, then JAws appeared on google.

It seemed ok when installing the trial. Remember that at that point, anything 
that would allow me to still use the computer was nothing short of miraculous. 
I didn't even know how a screen reader worked.

I then decided to purchase it and thought it would be priced like a microsoft 
Office or even a windows OS. Boy i was wrong, and suddenly frustrated, angry 
and bewildered by that 900USD price tag.

So i immediately looked for an alternative to this ridiculous and stupid 
purchase. Consider that adobe products do far more complex things, that a full 
3D package with over 2000 paremeters features including modelling texturing 
animation special effects rendering and post rendering, plugins, tools 
extensions, extensive manuals, network solutions for renders and awesome 
rendering engines for various 3d styles of drawing cost just a little over a 
screen reader, the latter which can be downloaded with a modem with all its 
features. you can stick Jaws on 6 floppy disks. You need 6 DvDs to have the 
Autodesk 3D studio max 2010 edition properly installed on your systemm.

I tried to make abstraction, think that screen readers were extremely complex 
things with totally insanely arcane code under the hood, that all these 
gigabytes and gigabytes of data from professional softwae i used pre accident 
were just being overpriced. That Quality of the software was in compact 
elegance and not bloated media stuffings. In short, that i got screwed with all 
my previous graphic intensive software and that Jaws was written by the hand of 
god. OK i was just being utterly sarcastic :)

Then my father came to visit me at the hospital, and vraught over his macbook 
13 inch late 2008, and told me that he found out it had a scren reader, though 
the voice was seriously whacked.

When Fred came up, somehow my dad decided that was the best voice in the bunch 
LOL, i wasn't impressed, but gave it some patience and learned bit by bit all 
of what blind computering would be.

And i installed a cracked copy of Jaws which i then used for less than a month 
because my mac experience was so much better. It wasn't even worth trying with 
a free version, if you technically looked at it. Believe me, i have made the 
round of manuals forums and tips for jaws stuff. I still got all the nuance 
voices somewhere. But the jaws itself is just crap.

Now i have a macbook pro 17 inch, learning the mac server environment and about 
to get my hands on a mac mini server for my own business, and have all my 
devices synched perfectly with mac software that does way more than a screen 
reader and costs a fraction, a bite of what Jaws costs albeit being more 
essential to my work environment. These arses at FS thought they could play 
with a blatant fact of life in blind individuals and make them believe that 
they couldn't work properly without their software. Its freaking backwards 
communism. It's dope dealing, its stealing pure and simple.
I don't want a freaking pack mate that probably hulks around like a satellite 
phone unit. I don't want an OCR that i can't carry around and that costs 
1000USD. Seriously, a thousand bucks for an OCR? I got the iphone and its 
beautifully integrated for my business card reading..

And i would never, not for a long shot, not if i was stuck with scrabble on 
saturn, consider installing JAWS. I hate the limitations on its spatial 
navigation anyway. TO put it simply, i need a cosmic experience when i use the 
computer otherwise it depresses the crap out of me.

One thing i always opposed in life is injustice. I have seen it everywhere 
since i was a kid, because we travelled a lot in the family, and during 
documentaries and reports i would interact with subjects from various 
communities and ethnicities. I have grown to love the environment and its 
people, no matter how they are or looked.
And i have a sensibility to people with lesser advantages by genetics or fate, 
than me.

And when i see that these people from FS try to suck out all the money they can 
from blind individuals whose median has a high unemployment rate, and to find 
out that those who are skilled, positive and professional in their work, are 
set back by all the bugs and bullshit that FS gives them, whetehr through the 
software's rigid feeling navigation concept or its dodgy tech support line. I 
get a gigantic whole in my chest. This level of unfairness is prehistoric. It's 
like the days of miracle potions that cost a fortune to Ladies of the victorian 
age which were little jelly fish collagen drinks laced with cherry flavor. 
These now cost something like40 cents at any convenience store.
It's like playing with inflation to justify artificial costs and to lobby 
around like its gold standard when its an overpriced over speculated and 
obsolete means of combustion. Think BP the oil spills and hybrid cars of the 

I'm happy someone else is taking over, happy that they are loosing the quote 
unquote market share in screen reader tech, i'm happy that macs are so stable. 
Happy that this mailing list exists.

 I'm happy to be sitting under my apple tree.

But being human, i hope they get their acts together and shift the paradigm to 
serve their customers who paid them dearly for a half baked system they don't 
even know how to use. Its not fair to keep this mental slavery going, and blind 
users have more important things to do than to worry if their screen reader is 
going to hold in a critical situation or when they need it to simply speak out 
what they want it to speak out. Computers are here to serve us we are not here 
to nurture the computer with bug reporting and fighting for jaws after getting 
the cold shoulder from its creators. This is sickening to the bone and it has 
to change.

Yours truly,

PS: sorry for this long post, i will make sure to drink coffee before getting 
on the terminal next time.

Best regards,

Yuma DX®

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