On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 03:43:34PM -0500, Ian wrote:
> >> Either way, some professionalism would be nice.
> > It's certainly a matter of definition :)  Please do define it and we'll
> > see if it's possible to follow your definition...
> >From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional
> A professional provides a service in exchange for payment in accordance with 
> established protocols
> for licensing, ethics, procedures, standards of service and 
> training/certification.
> so it seems professionalism is the act of doing the above. Since Nokia guys 
> are presumably getting
> paid we just need to establish what are the 'established protocols' and we 
> are laughing ;)
Hmmm... Wikipedia's an interesting idea. :) "Protocol" leads to
instersting opportunities... :D  That's gonna be interesting. :)


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