Mmmmh... Perhaps somebody should edit the developer program announce at http://maemo.org/#date_07012007a , or add another entry to explain that this time the developers will be chosen and there is no need to apply as with the 770 developer program. Otherwise, we will have a very crowded week at the mailing list :).

Correct. But since the selection criteria are quite unclear it looks like everybody fears that he might not be detected. Since I'm interested in participating, too, I would be happy to at least have some private Nokia email adress where I can write a short summery what I do and what I plan to do on Nokia 770. I'm currently building up a repoitory of my software but there are still some smaller problems to solve to make everything smooth and with such unclear election criteria I now either must publish unfinished or buggy software in hury at at leats have a chance or have to fear to just stay "unseen".
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