> The big problem is that hildon depends on an old, forked version of gtk+ that 
> nobody in
> their right mind wants on their x86 systems. The nokia people at guadec were 
> unable to
> give me an ETA on when that will be fixed :(
There's been a huge amount of progress towards
fixing that. Nowadays the delta between gtk+ and maemo-gtk+ is
much much smaller. Tommi Komulainen presented on that this GUADEC.

And as Riku pointed out Hildon now runs on stock gtk+ with minimal patching.
Lucas Rocha [2] and Karoliina Salminen [3] had presentations on the 
Hildon Desktop
this GUADEC. We're not yet 100% there but things have progressed to the 
were it has been possible for Ubuntu Mobile to adopt Hildon.

[1] - http://guadec.org/node/584
[2] - http://guadec.org/node/561
[3] - http://guadec.org/node/547

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