Hi Quim,
Hi others,

already spent more than 24 hors trying to setup ad-hoc wireless network, 
connecting N770 to PC running XP Windows (no router, no AP).

I can connect from N770 to PC linked with local-IP address.
Setting up DHCP on PC ,  are assigned to wireless 
lan pci card and none to N770 .

Tested the following script from http://770hax.today.com/
creating an ad-hoc network     August 20th, 2007  by 4d770
ifdown wlan0
 ifconfig wlan0
 iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
iwconfig wlan0 ssid <yourssid>
 iwconfig wlan0 channel 1
 ifconfig wlan0 up

 iwconfig wlan0 ssid <yourssid> doesn't work on maemo
$ sudo gainroot

 i get error
 Error: unrecognized wireless request "ssid"

Should I set static IP address on PC like suggested
Click next > Advanced.  In the IP Addresses tab uncheck Auto-retrieve IP 
address and put in:
 IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Click OK.
don't run software router.
N770 connects to PC with no IP address assigned , so I can't run TVersity.
Could you help me ?


Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,

We are near to implement user karma in maemo.org. Like most karma
systems, it is used as a nice add-on to promote and show off those
investing time and energies in the project.

We are fine tuning the equation, that currently takes into account the
activity in several corners of maemo.org:

- your applications in Downloads, the more stars they receive the more
karma you get.

- your evaluation and comments in Downloads

- your participation in garage projects

- your activity in mailing lists (IMPORTANT: requires that your email
address is the same than in your maemo account)

- your wiki pages (created only, edited would take too much resources to
scan - sorry).

- your blog posts aggregated in planet - favs and buries affect your

- your evaluation of posts in News

In the near future we plan to include more maemo-related data:

- your activity in garage projects (retrieving data from GForge is not
simple and we decided to go first for the Midgard-related chunk)

- your activity in bugzilla (same thing, IMPORTANT: requires that your
email address is the same than in your maemo account)

We could also add direct evaluation from users to users following the
same 5 star schema of Downloads (the fav/bury of News would be too hard
isn't it?)  :)

We are also open to retrieve data from external services i.e. Internet
Tablet Talk or Ohloh.net. For that we need an API or a way to get
numbers from users, and way for users to claim identity in these

Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

Quim Gil - http://maemo.org

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