On Mon, 2007-12-24 at 04:45 -0800, mitcheloc wrote:
> Okay, bear with me past the silly title..

> 6. Why is this being marketed as a phone? I mean, I get the VoIP
> aspects (and those are very very cool) but you can't really hold this
> up to your ear. Yes you can use it in "speaker" mode but you can't use
> it in a private way easily and quickly with a headset. 

Curious: where is it being marketed as a phone? I haven't seen any
advertising suggesting that.

> Okay, I'm not sure if this is already in the code or not but it would
> be great for 3rd party apps to be able to access the XMPP layer in the
> device. This will let app developers send and receive data safely and
> securely from other devices allowing cool peer to peer programs to be
> developed (like two-player chess). 

I have a couple students working with me to develop an XMPP-based app
that integrates VOIP with such an app, so I'm quite sure this is

> TIA - Mitchel
Michael R. Head <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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