On Thursday 26 June 2008 21:28:44 Ed Bartosh wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 09:29 +0300, ext Ed Bartosh wrote:
> > On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 15:42 +0100, ext Graham Cobb wrote:
> > > List started: http://wiki.maemo.org/Diablo:_Missing_Packages.  The most
> > > serious, for me, is libsoup and all its dependencies.  That is the real
> > > problem for me.
> >
> > OK. I'll try to build it today evening.
> Done:
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/chinook/libgcrypt11_1.2.3-2.maemo1/
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/chinook/gnutls13_2.0.4-3maemo3/
> https://garage.maemo.org/builder/chinook/libsoup_2.2.105-4/

Thanks to Ed building not just these three but several other dependency 
packages as well, the GPE packages are now all available in the Diablo Extras 
repository and can be installed without needing any chinook repositories.  
These are the same versions which were available in chinook (the planned Beta 
of the next version of the GPE packages has been delayed another couple of 
weeks by the Diablo release).

Note that in order to allow GPE to install from Extras, I had to promote 
several packages which I did not upload myself (libtasn1-3, opencdk10, 
gnutls13, libgcrypt11, lzo2, libxml2).  I hope the uploaders of these 
packages do not object!

>From that, I think there are a couple of additional features that would be 
useful in the promotion interface:

1) See who uploaded a package into extras-devel.  And maybe even a button to 
send them an email saying "I have a dependency on your package.  Do you have 
any objection if I promote it to Extras so that my packages can be installed 
from Extras?".  In general, once we are over this initial rush to get Diablo 
Extras populated, it would be polite for people to not promote packages they 
did not upload without at least attempting to contact the original uploader.

2) See how long a package (this specific version) has been in extras-devel.  I 
feel that if you can't get hold of the original uploader, it is probably 
reasonable to promote something you need that has been in there for at least 
a couple of weeks, as long as you have tested that it works for your usage at 

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