ext Graham Cobb wrote:
> In my case, a big problem is dependencies which were previously uploaded into 
> Extras without sources.  It would really help if you were to consider taking 
> those packages which do not have sources and just copying the chinook package 
> into diablo.  Or, at least, considering it as an exception process for 
> specific packages!

I think end users can wait and/or gettheir apps from Chinook while we
sort this out and do it right from the beginning.

Maybe this has been proposed before but...

- What are the dependency packages you need to put in place or fix?
Don't answer here, go to the wiki and start the list. Rest of developers
in the same situation than Graham, add your problematic packages to the

- This list could show also what are the most demanded/important
packages, stuff needed by several applications, packages of applications
working in Chinook that are buggy in Diablo, etc. A priority list at the

- Then other people can help getting the sources in shape and in place,
following the list of priorities or working on those package that are
more familiar with. With good coordination and communication we can even
get help from the upstream developers of those packages, if they know
that now they are going to be part of an "official" Maemo community
repository everybody will benefit from.

This way busy application developers can get help from many more people.
This what a community is all about, helping each other for a common goal.

If this proposal makes sense and it's kicked off, Nokia can contribute
with an incentive: the most active packagers will be sponsored to take
part in the https://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo_summit_2008 (Niels will give us
the names).

Quim Gil
marketing manager, open source
Maemo Software @ Nokia
maemo-developers mailing list

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