>From: maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org [maemo-developers-boun...@maemo.org] 
>On Behalf Of ext Qole [qole.tab...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 9:05 PM
>To: maemo-developers
>Subject: Fremantle OpenGL wrapper?

>Hi all,
>I'm not much of a developer, but I really think it would be a good idea to get 
>a couple OpenGL wrappers ready for Fremantle.

What do you like the wrapper do ?  If you like to get easiest way to run OpenGL 
you can take example skeleton
from Imagination OpenGL-ES2.0 examples. They run in Fremantle, you just need to 
compile them
or then you can take Qt GLWidget as it is done in hellogl_es2  that is part of 
Qt4.5 source.
I also runs nicely in Fremantle.

Good thing using Qt as a wrapper is that you can use full GL but you can mix it 
with Qt UI widgets
or QGraphicsWiew higer level drawing primitives.


I have a thread on talk.maemo.org<http://talk.maemo.org>[1], but maybe I should 
be posting here too.

[1] http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=29085

I think there should be a wrapper for applications that use OpenGL directly, 
and maybe an SDL library for games that use OpenGL via SDL.

There's work in this area for the Pandora, but I haven't seen much yet for 
Maemo devices.

I propose starting with a simple test game like Armagetron Advanced [2], which 
actually runs on an N800 at 3 fps with software OpenGL rendering. This game 
uses SDL and the mesa GL libraries, which suggests that an SDL library like the 
one developed for the Pandora [3] might work here.

[2] http://packages.debian.org/lenny/armagetronad

[3] http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?showtopic=48023

Like I said, I'm not really a developer, and I can't really take these ideas 
and make them happen. But I'm paying close enough attention to these things to 
see that this seems to be an important gap in the available software right now.

I would prefer comments on my talk.maemo.org<http://talk.maemo.org> thread, but 
you can discuss here, too.

enthusiast, n. "One whose mind is wholly possessed and heated by what engages 
it; one who is influenced by a peculiar fervor of mind; an ardent and 
imaginative person."
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