On Wednesday 09 September 2009 13:25:49 Quim Gil wrote:
> installing additional applications. As a workaround, the /opt directory
> has been linked to a different partition with more space (about 1 GB)

And, forgot to ask, is the 1GB size configurable, or is it hardcoded ? I guess 
could be grown with resize2fs but the bigger issue is changing the VFAT 
partition in that case.  I'm a bit concerned with limiting something like this 
to 1GB for two at least two reasons:

- if we expect an influx of large, more complex games and apps with a lot of 
data files, 1 GB is not nearly as much as it was on Diablo

- 1GB also can be easily  filled if the unit is used for development (compiling 
Qt can surprise you sometimes :) ). I understand in most cases you can use the 
VFAT partition for that, but there are caveats you yourself mentioned in your 

Case in point - df tells me I already use 1.4 GB for / on my Diablo setup 
(cloned to internal mmc).
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