On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, David Greaves wrote:

> Matan Ziv-Av wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, Andrew Flegg wrote:
>>>   * Use of /opt is perhaps now a QA requirement for Extras
>>>   * Can we somehow add a /opt check into minimae/maemian? Is it
>>>     possible, and is it sensible?
>> Please recall that maemo5 is not the only maemo. Maemo4 is the latest
>> availble for N800/N810 and maemo2 is the latest officailly available on
>> 770. Many packages can compile from same source for all versions. Don't
>> add artificial obstacles to force developers to make their packages
>> incompatible with older versions.
> *cough*   Mer    *cough*

Call me when Mer is a reasonable replacement for OS2008 on N810. Until 
then, please don't try to fragment the community for no reason except for
planned obsolescence. If you are going to use symlinks anyway, let the 
package installer make them, so the same package can be used for various 

A lot of packages available for maemo are merely debian/ubuntu packages 
built in maemo environment. This /opt idea will reduce the amount of 
software available for maemo5 devices.


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