Ove, Patrick

I'll volunteer to do the packaging for maemo for this if you like?

I'd put them on gitorious.org/mer-extras (until we get some kind of community
area at maemo.gitorious.org).

I'll use the packaging approach I use for Mer and create suitable branches

cppunit is ready (I won't push it to the builder until I can get a clean build
locally) and I'm looking at syncevolution and dependencies now.

I notice that syncevolution should build-depend on boostlib and synthesis too.

boostlib1.38 is in extras-devel but it looks like I'll need to package synthesis
from git://git.moblin.org/libsynthesis.git - which branch? master?

Nb personally I use eGroupware and I'm getting some success (especially now I
have this stuff in:
http://k.noc.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6&Itemid=8 but
there are still some issues)


"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
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