On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 15:21, Graham Cobb <g+...@cobb.uk.net> wrote:
>> However, will we have issues with version numbers? If we auto resubmit
>> them, should we ensure that each package is resubmitted with a new
>> version number? If so, a suffix of "-20100415" would be sufficient?
> Although I am generally against modifying developer's packages, I
> agree that this is the most pragmatic solution.  Anyone who doesn't
> like it can submit a newer version of the package.

The other solution, which Niels has suggested, is just replacing the
updated packages. Since most people haven't been able to install them,
this is a quick win (no real redefinition of what the version *is*).

We could then approach it as:

  1) Email all developers you have successfully built packages
     since 2010-03-24 outlining them of the situation and the
     actions about to be taken. (Preferably linking to the
     maemo.org/packages/ pages for the packages they've uploaded)

  2) Swap in the rebuilt versions, with the same version number,
     from the test/experimental/staging area Niels built:


  3) Re-index the repo.

  4) Resolve https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9752

> By the way, has the change been well tested? With real packages
> built with the modified SDK and installed on all existing firmware
> releases?  We don't want to do all this and discover it doesn't
> fix the problem.

Indeed. I'm not aware of any extensive testing apart from a few
packages on my PR1.1.1 device. Javier/Niels?



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