Op maandag 28 november 2011 14:40:34 schreef Michael Scherer:
> There is several pragmatic reasons for that and, there is also some long
> term harm by shipping more and more proprietary software like :
> Personally, I aim for better stuff than fragile unsustainable hacks like
> this. And we should not start to settle on lower standards, especially
> if forced to us by non cooperative company or group. One could be
> tolerable. Two, likely. More, that's starting to generalize, and that's
> just sending the wrong signal to the whole community, and saying to
> company "it is ok to treat us like parias". It is hard to be credible
> when saying "we want to provides a solid system" and in the same time,
> do the contrary.
> I doubt we will be able to bring real long term credibility and a
> reputation for quality if we go this way. People can just compare Ubuntu
> reputation to Debian one, and see which one was able to survive without
> spending million of dollars each year. And also which one serve as a
> base for the other.

You touch some interesting points here, and I appreciate you here explaining 
your personal opinion, I'm beginning to see more clearly your reasoning in the 
past, and my own reasoning. I believe i may have to review my own pov here...


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