An immidiate solution, albeit not really a sustainable one, is to add
the missing provides to our libxdamage package; however, doing this
opens the door to have package x providing n different version of libx
or binaryx so it could only really be used if we knew that there was a
chance that upstream, in this case teamviewer, are likely to fix there
requires to suit that Mageia ones so that we don't end up with package
x having hundreds of provides to support different requires from
closed source stuff....

On a slightly off topic note: have the extra provides could help to
improve interoperability with say Fedora - ergo Red Hat, and seeing as
most commercial closed source binaries for GNU/Linux will be built
with Red Hat in mind, having provides that match Fedora's is probably
a good way to eliminate this problem.

But, as said earlier, this isn't really something that we can do
sustainable so......

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