Le 29/11/2011 06:43, Donald Stewart a écrit :
An immidiate solution, albeit not really a sustainable one, is to add
the missing provides to our libxdamage package; however, doing this
opens the door to have package x providing n different version of libx
or binaryx so it could only really be used if we knew that there was a
chance that upstream, in this case teamviewer, are likely to fix there
requires to suit that Mageia ones so that we don't end up with package
x having hundreds of provides to support different requires from
closed source stuff....

On a slightly off topic note: have the extra provides could help to
improve interoperability with say Fedora - ergo Red Hat, and seeing as
most commercial closed source binaries for GNU/Linux will be built
with Red Hat in mind, having provides that match Fedora's is probably
a good way to eliminate this problem.

But, as said earlier, this isn't really something that we can do
sustainable so......

There is really no easy solution. This kind of make us slaves of RedHat and 
some of the bullshit they push at times.
There is little choice in many cases. What could be done is some wrappers for some sort of Fedora compatibility if there is enough demand for a package that needs that. When there is a good alternative that does the same thing then I would be opposed to suking up too much to those folks. The goal here is to make our users happy without compromising our principles too much.

Here is an example I had to deal with to get an Atmel program that was designed 
for Fedora to install on Mandriva 2010.0

elfutil split in different packages. I created one file that satisfied the 
Atmel installer. The package actually only had one text file  telling you that 
it was a bogus package to satisty the Atmel program.
At one time a package had an X instead of an x in the name, aside from that it 
was the same thing (same version and all)

I had the whole Atmel code working nicely on Mandriva 2010.0. When my hard disk crashed I didn't bother reinstalling because of the sound issues I had with Mandriva. I switched to Scientific Linux, I recently installed Mageia and found that I like it better, French support is better for one thing. The only problem I see is my Atmel debugger no longer works, I am working on that. I allready have created the binutils and compiler with the latest Atmel patches. Perhaps running Fedora 12 in VirtualBox might be a good intermediate solution for debugging. I could use windows XP I guess but I have enough of this at work. When I get home windows would be the last thing I would want to see.


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