On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 09:08:34AM +0200, Thomas Walter via mailop wrote:
> We have a lot of students forwarding their emails to external mailboxes
> (usually freemailers even though they have more options here).

Same problem here...
and it was very annoying and support consuming.

> I can show you all kinds of examples where the forwarding is rejected in
> those cases because the new "sending IPs" are from our machines, not the
> ones listed in the From's SPF record.
> And no, I don't do SRS, because I don't want to do workarounds to
> support a protocol that was broken by design in the first place.

Just from our perspective, SRS works well as far as I can see, at least
with a minor patched srs-socketmapd for our Sendmail environment.
Because not all of our e-mail addresses are bound to a mail account (with
a real UNIX account behind it where one could easily set a new envelope
sender), we attempted to address this envelope munging in the MTA domain
simply to cover every case. And it worked well for a couple of years.

Johann E. Klasek          IT Solutions - Application Management
Technische Universität Wien             Tel: +43 1 58801- 42049
A-1040 Wien, Operngasse 11/020 (DF0421) Fax: +43 1 58801-942049

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