On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 11:30:23 -0700, David Carriger via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>I'm not saying this as an attempt to call anyone out, or start a fight, but
>my point is that those of us who are active in these industry mailing lists
>and conferences are the ones who care. We want to do better. We're up
>against forces internal and external.

Some of the most complex, convoluted and difficult-to-maintain code I have
seen in mail systems involves interpreting responses.  One of my favorites,
over time, has been the family of Yahoo "4xx deferred but don't bother trying
again, because you will never succeed" permanent temporary failures.

I have interpreted this as a "let's see if we can run the spammers out of disk
space due to queue bloat from retries that haven't timed out yet" device.  It
has been gratifying to see exactly this effect on some senders.

   If Jurassic Park had been about email, Jeff Goldblum would be known 
   for saying "Spammers, uh, find a way".

      -- David Carriger, after noting that some spammers
         they hosed off the deck had found a new home elsewhere.

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