On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 2:41 PM Ralph Seichter via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> * Brandon Long:
> > If we leave googlers.com open, then phishers are going to use it to
> > send messages looking like [...] "secur...@googlers.com" and do what
> > they do best.
> One solution to that is not to use "googlers.com", but to use a domain
> name with no visible ties to a particular company. That's one reason I
> use the likes of "monksofcool.net", where the only affiliation is with
> the late and sorely missed Terry Pratchett.
> A humorous domain name like that gives phishers little incentive to
> abuse it, and even if they do, who would believe a spoofed message to be
> sent by some bank, institution or similar?

This is silly. Stop pushing this.

If every Googler started posting from monksofcool.net then there would
grow, over time, a population of people who understood that this was a
Googler domain and those people could potentially be a prime spear
phishing target.

The goal is to close the holes, not just shift them 2 feet to the left.

Al Iverson

Al Iverson // Wombatmail // Chicago
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