On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 03:21:45PM -0600, Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
> Forwarders are one of the things that don't respond well to SPF.  But 
> honestly,
> it's 2020 ... why are we forwarding mail to external services?  SRS might be a
> bandaid for this, but isn't the easiest solution to just tell people that
> forwarding mail to external servers is bad (mmkay).

There are two cases I come across a lot where forwarding is still used:

1. Small organisations who want to have role-specific aliases (e.g.
secretary@) to advertise on their website etc, but the office holders
want to use their own personal email account because that's what they
check and are familiar with.

2. Some companies refuse to deal with people if they don't have an email
address under the domain of their customers. For example, I have a paul@
alias on one of my client's domains because their suppliers refuse to
allow an account contact to have an email address from a different

SRS is a bodge, but I do have the ability to make technical fixes
whereas I lack the ability to reconfigure the humans who came up with
the policies behind 1 & 2. :)

Paul Waring
Freelance PHP developer
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