On Tue, 4 May 2021, Grant Taylor via mailop wrote:

Hi mailop,

I'd like to know if I'm off my rocker or if the person / company that sent the message with the following excerpt is using purportedly once good contact information /well/ /past/ it's best by date.

Note: This was the 2nd paragraph in the email. The first was a shorter hi, here's who we are. It then went on to go into seemingly on topic content for the company / mailing list.

You're getting this email from us because you had signed up for our waiting list at some point in the last five years, and we promised to keep you up to date. If you don't recall getting any emails from us, that's because we haven't sent any. This is our first, but we promise we'll write more frequently from now on. If you still don't remember, head to REDACTED and check out our online test. If you don't want these emails, you can unsubscribe following the link at the bottom of this email.

I did subscribe to the list in question -- using an email confirmation loop -- more than two years ago (25+ months). So, on the surface, things seem logical. But 25 months of nothing makes me think that the contact addresses they have on file are beyond stale.

Are they offering you money or hoping you will give them some ?

I had shares in a company that took the official receiver
14 years to wind up* and I got a cheque at the end of it !
There were some interim payments but IIRC there would have
been gaps of over 2 years with no news.

In that case I would have been very unhappy if they had thrown out
the list as "stale".

Oh, and annual events that were cancelled last year because of COVID
ought to have told you, but if you weren't told the 2020 date
because there wasn't one, the announcement this year could be two years
after the previous message.

* This was an extremely unusual case, the defunct company had
assets in another defunct company which had to be wound up before
mine could get all possible payments realized.

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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