Dnia 15.04.2022 o godz. 11:47:37 Bill Cole via mailop pisze:
> OK, so you know why Google rejects your mail and how you could fix it, if
> you wanted to have your mail accepted instead of having a solid point to
> argue here.

As I said initially, using a different domain is only a poor workaround, not
a solution, because:

1) I lose my "digital identity". Yes, I'm that old-fashioned type who
considers my email address to be something that identifies me on the
Internet. People on mailing lists etc. know me by my e-mail address. This
one, not a different one that I needed to make up only to send to Google.

2) even more important: I can not have any guarantee that over time Google
doesn't treat my new domain in the same way as the current one. I had no
problems with Google deliverability for several years of using this address;
the issues started only about two years ago. The fact that my new domain
works for Google now, doesn't mean that it will still work after - say - 4
or 5 years.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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