Hi Hal,

> Many marketing people just don't get it when it comes to spam. They can
> always come up with some way to rationalize that their spam isn't spam. I
> wonder if it is genetic.

That's why we try to educate marketing folks (we will be running a series of 
articles, and webinars this fall to educate a bit)… I know it's not much, but 
at least they will be exposed to some perspective about respect in email… after 
coming to the email verifier.

I don't think it's genetic… I think it depends on the culture, environment, and 
also circumstances, but I did notice a geographical correlation:

- growing economies (with less capital for customer acquisition),

- U.S. marketers, with a sales culture of hustling and less respect for data 

> Vernon Schryver has a wonderful list:
> Spam is That Which We Don't Do
> https:/ / www. rhyolite. com/ anti-spam/ that-which-we-dont. html (
> https://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/that-which-we-dont.html )

That's a good one!

> There is a wide range of spam -- from crooks and Viagra to people who
> don't know better. There are also lots of people who do know better, but
> try to push the limits a bit, or push too hard and try to talk their way
> out of it.
> There is also a wide range of email marketing consultants. Some sell lists
> and spamming services. Some will encourage confirmed opt-in. Some would be
> happy to hire somebody else to do the dirty work of cleaning their lists.

Truth to that!

I believe that people, in general, are good, but evil/immoral behaviors are 
usually caused by circumstances… though I'm not really good at philosophy.

>> - if you don't want us to verify your email addresses - please let us know
>> and we will consider them as blocked (no need even to spend your time on
>> feeding the firewall or block list),
> That's opt-out.

Here I meant - if you as Mail Operator, do not want Bouncer to verify email 
addresses hosted by you - please let me know and we will put a rule in our 

For domains, you will provide we will be returning an "unknown" status and will 
not connect to your servers at all.

Kind Regards


____________________________________ ______ ___ ___ ___

*Radoslaw Kaczynski*

CEO of Bouncer
usebouncer.com ( https://www.usebouncer.com/ )
ul. Cypriana Kamila Norwida 24/1
50-374 Wrocław, Poland
💙 Become Bouncer’s Ambassador ( 
https://bouncer.partnerstack.com/?group=ambassadors )

On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 04:16:18, Hal Murray < halmurray+mai...@sonic.net > 

> radek@ usebouncer. com ( ra...@usebouncer.com ) said:
>> - marketing teams coming to us from Marketing SaaSs, who, during customer
>> onboarding, notice that the quality of email lists is low and send their
>> customers to us to clean it first.
> My alarm bells went off on one of your first messages when you said little
> guys need to spam because otherwise they couldn't compete with the big
> guys.
> Many marketing people just don't get it when it comes to spam. They can
> always come up with some way to rationalize that their spam isn't spam. I
> wonder if it is genetic.
> Vernon Schryver has a wonderful list:
> Spam is That Which We Don't Do
> https:/ / www. rhyolite. com/ anti-spam/ that-which-we-dont. html (
> https://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/that-which-we-dont.html )
> There is a wide range of spam -- from crooks and Viagra to people who
> don't know better. There are also lots of people who do know better, but
> try to push the limits a bit, or push too hard and try to talk their way
> out of it.
> There is also a wide range of email marketing consultants. Some sell lists
> and spamming services. Some will encourage confirmed opt-in. Some would be
> happy to hire somebody else to do the dirty work of cleaning their lists.
> -------
>> - if you don't want us to verify your email addresses - please let us know
>> and we will consider them as blocked (no need even to spend your time on
>> feeding the firewall or block list),
> That's opt-out.
> --
> These are my opinions. I hate spam.
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