On 10/19/22 17:16, Renaud Allard via mailop wrote:

> Actually, I had to contact them and show them the impressum page to be
> whitelisted, so this seems at least partially manual. So, you might need to
> contact them for any new IP. But I hope they are smart enough to store the
> domain names in databases where they can verify the legitimacy in a more
>  automated way.

I don't believe there is an automated process. Our MTAs got blocked as well and 
they share the same apex domain as our website which includes an imprint. The 
whois information of the IP addresses include contact information as well and 
everything else t-online.de might ask for. Yet they still got blocked from the 
very first message on.
It looks more like t-online.de blocks incoming connections from the whole 
world, except from a list of IP addresses they maintain internally. To get 
added to this list you have to a) contact them manually and b) fulfill 
arbitrary rules that t-online.de set up.
If only 10% of all ESPs in the world would act like this and require manual 
requests so that one MTA can talk to another MTA, email would be unusable.

BR Oliver

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