On 20.10.22 17:31, Bernardo Reino via mailop wrote:
And maybe to add to what Kai Siering wrote "Deutsche Telekom's policy for accessing 
the MXes for t-online.de hasn't changed for 10+ years". Maybe the /written/ policy 
has not changed, but the enforcement of the legal notice (Impressum) certainly happened 
just now or in the last few days. For years I've been a braver Burger hier politey asking 
tosa@ to whitelist me, and they did.. until suddenly they blocked me for lack of 

Well, I usually am not polite after being blocked _again_ (about every other 
year, maybe too few mails sent?), but got the whitelisting nonetheless. It's a 
PITA, nonetheless.

But no, if you feed "t...@rx.t-online.de impressum" into the next Google search 
widget, you should at least find 
https://blog.rolandmoriz.de/2020/09/21/t-online-blockiert-mails-fuer-kunden/ from 2020, where 
a comment dated 2020-12-06 states (cut & paste into the translator of you choice):

Hallo Roland,

ich habe die gleiche Erfahrung gemacht. T-online hat alle Mails von meinem 
Mailserver grundsätzlich abgelehnt, obwohl dieser allen aktuellen Standards 
entspricht. Bei Nachfrage wurde auf die besagte Liste technischer 
Vorraussetzungen verwiesen und zusätzlich angemerkt, dass t-online keine Mails 
von anonymen Anbietern annehmen möchte. Ich habe unter meiner Domain eine 
index.html mit Verweis auf ein simples Impressum hinterlegt und anschließend 
dem Support mitgeteilt.

Ender der Geschichte, ich wurde relativ schnell freigeschaltet und die Mails in 
meiner mail queue sind direkt rausgegangen. Ich war auch tierisch genervt 
davon, dass so ein Verfahren notwendig ist um in heutiger Zeit eine Mail senden 
zu können. Hiermit möchte ich aber dem ein oder anderen Hoffnung geben und 
aufzeigen, dass eine Freischaltung möglich ist!

LG, Max

Basically "Max" states that he needed to put an "simple imprint" at 
http://his.do.main/index.html, which made t...@rx.t-online.de whitelist his mailserver's IP. Thus, 
even in December 2020 they were keen on this imprint thingy; why it didn't happen with you before, 
I cannot tell.

But I'm still waiting for certain blogs and magazines to take this up. If I 
have time I'll write an e-mail to c't Magazine. I'm sure this requirement will 
be relaxed, sooner or later.

Does "later" include "never"? Then I'd agree ...

Even c't would have to do a realiy check here and concede that the percentage 
of email dropped by Deutsche Telekom's policy decision for t-online.de is next 
to none, compared to what they do receive on a daily basis. I'm not even sure 
Deutsche Telekom would answer a request from c't for a comment on that unique 
policy — but if they would, I'd love to see it.

Since t-online.de is the only "walled garden mail domain" known – at least AFAIK? –, any 
email to and especially from @t-online.de should be rejected in any default configuration of any 
MTA. This reflects the discussed fact that one has to register one's mailserver with 
t...@rx.t-online.de _before_ any mail exchange can happen. It's not a "form of 
defamation", as Grand Taylor stated, it's the only proper local configuration for the rather 
special setup used at t-online.de.

FTR, mx*.t-online.de's use of 554 does violate RC5231, as they ignore the MUST 
clause regarding the wait for QUIT.  But that's a different story.
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