On Sun, Dec 03, 2023 at 07:26:14AM +0100, Arne Jensen via mailop wrote:
> Den 30-11-2023 kl. 09:36 skrev Giovanni Bechis via mailop:
> > I maintain an ESP rbl
> Thank you for maintaining and providing that!
> I looked around and didn't find much information about the operation of 
> the RBL though.
> So that raises a few questions from my end, such as:
> - Is there any sort of usage / query restrictions on that RBL?
no restrictions atm

> - Is it possible to download the data, either for a local mirror or even 
> in order to assist with raising the quality of the public mirrors?
not atm

> - Can you submit spam samples, or otherwise provide suggestions for 
> inclusion?
> - Are you the only person one adding "bad senders" to these RBL lists?
> - What data is the "bad senders" based on? Spam sent to spam traps? Spam 
> sent to your personal mailbox? ...?
> - If you're under the impression there is one or more false positives, 
> ... is there any way, you can report that?
Atm data are based on spamtraps and spam delivered to mailbox of some
selected customers that reports FPs and FNs to my company.
I am in contact with another company which is going to provide me more
If there is interest in this rbl I can provide more info and a way to
report FNs and FPs.


> -- 
> Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
> Arne Jensen
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