I think the biggest problem O. has got is that he won a lot of states
in the primaries and caucuses that no Democrat, of any race or gender,
is going to win in a national election. Also, the Republicans benefit
from the OVER-REPRESENTATION of some states at the expense of more
populous states. So unless he gets the NE, the MW and Florida, while
keeping California, he has no chance in the electoral college.

I look at the primaries as something like this: suppose we had a
series of cola taste tests nationwide. Two brands emerge, Coke and
Pepsi. Right now Hilary is RC Cola, Obama is Pepsi, and McCain is

The Demoncrats will have to come up with a marketing strategy for
their brand, Pepsi/Obama. If they do about as well as they did last
time, Obama's book sequel should be titled, 'The Audacity of

This is the ultimate test of his leadership. But he might have signed
on to a ship of the damned. He might well have made choices in what
policies and ideas he was going to stand for that now doom him. I
believe his fatal mistake made sometime after Kerry picked him to
speak at the Demoncrat Convention last time was that he staked a
position too far right.
These mainstream Demoncrats like Obama never ever learn.

OTOH, McCain looks an awful lot like Bob Dole. If that goober from
Arkansas, Huckabee, flares up, it could sink McCain. A right-wing
fundamentalist third party campaign from Huckabee would certainly help
the Demoncrats right now. Since the press is ignoring Huckabee right
now, I don't know if he has been appeased by the Repug bigwigs or not.
If he has,  then it looks pretty bad for Obama. It might go more like
it did for Kerry than it did for Gore (whose key mistake was to choose
Joe Blubberman as VP candidate).


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