>>> Ralph Dumain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/25/2008 10:36 AM
It was a fatally flawed program from the start, but amazingly, Obama
has made it this far.  I'm sure that if he survives this Jeremiah Wright
"crisis" that he will face equally formidable obstacles in the months to
come.  I was singularly unimpressed by Obama's allegedly inspiring 2004
speech.  I haven't looked at his autobiography to see what happened to
him between the time he was community organizer (whatever that means,
exactly), the his entry into the electoral arena.  Clearly he was a
shrewd operator to make it to this point, but I wonder if he believes
his own propaganda to the point that he thinks he can pull this off on
the basis of the premises of this campaign.

CB: I wonder whether this much success is a surprise to him, too. So,
maybe he says, "I didn't think I could get this far, and I got this far,
so it may be possible that I can win the whole thing."


I have been disappointed by this whole campaign season. I don't see an
easy way out of the current situation.  It disturbs but doesn't surprise
me that white voters are reacting adversely to the sudden discovery that
Obama is black (according to the one-drop rule).  Still, he is likely
the lesser of two evils compared to Hillary, who was once annointed as
the shoe-in.

So what do you think of Bill Richardson as a running mate?

CB: I'm thinking Clinton should be the running mate, or O as vp for
Clinton. Otherwise, some of their followers may not vote Dem or at all.

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Mar 24, 2008 10:16 PM
>To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu 
>Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] O and racism
>I think the biggest problem O. has got is that he won a lot of states
>in the primaries and caucuses that no Democrat, of any race or
>is going to win in a national election. Also, the Republicans benefit
>from the OVER-REPRESENTATION of some states at the expense of more
>populous states. So unless he gets the NE, the MW and Florida, while
>keeping California, he has no chance in the electoral college.
>I look at the primaries as something like this: suppose we had a
>series of cola taste tests nationwide. Two brands emerge, Coke and
>Pepsi. Right now Hilary is RC Cola, Obama is Pepsi, and McCain is
>The Demoncrats will have to come up with a marketing strategy for
>their brand, Pepsi/Obama. If they do about as well as they did last
>time, Obama's book sequel should be titled, 'The Audacity of
>This is the ultimate test of his leadership. But he might have signed
>on to a ship of the damned. He might well have made choices in what
>policies and ideas he was going to stand for that now doom him. I
>believe his fatal mistake made sometime after Kerry picked him to
>speak at the Demoncrat Convention last time was that he staked a
>position too far right.
>These mainstream Demoncrats like Obama never ever learn.
>OTOH, McCain looks an awful lot like Bob Dole. If that goober from
>Arkansas, Huckabee, flares up, it could sink McCain. A right-wing
>fundamentalist third party campaign from Huckabee would certainly
>the Demoncrats right now. Since the press is ignoring Huckabee right
>now, I don't know if he has been appeased by the Repug bigwigs or
>If he has,  then it looks pretty bad for Obama. It might go more like
>it did for Kerry than it did for Gore (whose key mistake was to
>Joe Blubberman as VP candidate).

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