>>> CeJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/25/2008 8:07 PM >>>
About Richardson. Does anyone outside New Mexico know he is Hispanic?

Yes,. Everybody knows. It is very significant that he came out for O
after the important speech on race, because, as I had anticipated, a lot
of other people of color would really "get it"  on O speech on race.
They can identify , shall we say. There are no doubt masses of people of
color who got it, when O had to "defend" Wright, explain racism to white
people for the ten millionth time.

Richardson said O is a once in a lifetime leader . Pretty strong

Carvill ,the Clintonian, disgracefully called Richardson a "Judas" (!)
, right around Easter, as if the Clintons are Jesus ?! Jeeezzus that was
gross.  Anyway, it was also significant that he had been a Clinton
cabinet member.   For him to choose O over C, is a very strong message
for O.


He looks very white male ethnic

CB: Actually, no, not "very", and not white, but colored ethnic.


, but his name says Anglo-Celtic elite.
He seems to have positioned himself with a future Obama presidency,
perhaps he does have V.P. stars in his eyes.

CB: He was a Presidential candidate this year.


I think an Hispanic from California or Texas is a risky strategy, but
that now is not the time for Obama to play it safe. That is my hunch.
Playing it safe makes him the next John Kerry.
He may help JK  and Dean get rid of the influence of the Clintons, but
he doesn't do more than this.

CB:  Uhh no, O is not the next John Kerry . Uh no


But I think the white male ethnic Roman Catholic demographic is also
worth considering. Hillary Clinton does better with this category over
Obama, but not that much better. That is one reason why he has got
this far. This type of voter doesn't like the professorial type. Both
Mondale and Dukakis were too professorial for them (though Dukakis
comes out of this demographic, if you call Greek Orthodoxy another
form of catholicism).

CB: This fails to understand a subtley of the race dynamic.  A Black
candidate must adhere to a higher standard than whites. This is a
fundamental known to Black people not just for political candidates but
all areas of life for decades. I'm not going to explain the whole thing
now, but just assert it conclusorily.  In this case, "professional" is a
higher standard than "casual". Notice the speech patterns. Obama must be
very "professional" or be seen as a lower down negro. He doesn 't have
the luxury of being folksy for white workers. In fact, of course,
Clinton and McCain are much more hooked up with the ruling class than O,
despite their folksier manners.


Perhaps a white ethnic female might make the best VP choice? Nancy
Diane Feinstein? But since so much of this is symbolic and emotional,
I think his VP choice should be around his age or younger by a year or


CB: Clinton would be the best VP if she hasn't trashed O too much. She
has done a suicide job, by saying McCain is ready and O isn't. That was
absolutely astonishingly treacherous. Right now you have McCain,
Clinton, Clinton and Ferraro white ganging up on O. It is amazingly
revealingly racist. Clinton literally had an ongoing theme basically
endorsing McCain over Obama. I can't think of an adjective to describe
how outrageous that is in terms of "party loyalty'. She basically was
trying to get the nomination by wrecking Obama and then saying to the
superdelegates ,in effect, O is ruined by me so, if you want to win in
November , you have to pick me. " Not just " I can win in November but
he cant' , " but " I'm going to say and do things ( McCain is
presidentially ready and he isn't. O isn't ready to answer the red 
phone, but McCain and I are) and have Ferraro say something, that would
stir up the racist and "patriotic" votes against O , now, so that he
can't win in November _ by Clinton's own statements in conjunction with
McCain_.  Literally, what she did should be grounds for reprimand by the
Democratic Party. How you gonna say the Republican is better prepared to
be President than your fellow Democrat ! That's party treason.

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