Getting around to more of the ancient mysteries of the 1970s and Reagan 80s.

Operation Nickel Grass was a major sealift, too, with ultimately more
moved by ship in order to re-supply the IDF.

By the way, getting to end of the 1970s, the second oil shock was with
the revolution in Iran, and the Gulf Arabs moved in to fill the loss
of Iranian oil. And going into the 1980s we see another massive
re-supply of Israel in their interventions in Lebanon, with much of
the US-supplied equipment ending up in the hands of their Christian
Phalangist allies. I remember how the M48A5 tank I trained on in my
national guard unit simply disappeared overnight.

Operation Nickel Grass was an overt strategic airlift operation
conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to
Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The Military Airlift Command of the
U.S. Air Force shipped 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition,
and supplies in C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft
between October 14 and November 14, 1973.

This rapid re-supply mission was critical to the Israeli military's
ability to thwart the armed Egyptian and Syrian action to regain their
sovereign territory; it had been captured and occupied by Israel since
the 1967 Six Day War. The overall re-supply effort soon had additional
far-reaching effects beyond the immediate combatants. Following a
further massive US pledge of support on October 19, the oil-exporting
Arab states within OPEC held to their previously declared warnings to
use oil as a "weapon" and declared a complete oil embargo on the
United States, and restrictions on other countries. This, and the
contemporaneous failure of major pricing and production negotiations
between the exporters and the major oil companies both led to the 1973
oil crisis.



Operation Nickel Grass had immediate and far-reaching effects. Arab
members of OPEC had declared they would limit or stop oil shipments to
the United States and other countries if they supported Israel in the
conflict. Holding to their threats, the Arab states declared a
complete oil embargo on the United States. Oil prices skyrocketed,
fuel became scarce, and the United States was soon embroiled in the
1973 oil crisis.

Nickel Grass also revealed a severe deficiency in American airlift
capabilities: the need for staging bases overseas. Without Portugal's
assistance, the airlift might not even have been possible. As a
result, the U.S. greatly expanded its aerial refueling capabilities
and made long-distance flight operations the standard rather than the

A GAO study of the operation discussed the shortcomings of the C-141A.
As a result, the C-141B was conceived. The A models were sent back to
Georgia where they were cut fore and aft of the wing, extended in
length by three pallet positions, and refitted for in-flight

Nickel Grass vindicated the Air Force decision to purchase the C-5
Galaxy. Since its introduction in 1970, the C-5 had been plagued by
problems. The Air Force claimed to have rectified the problems, but
the C-5 was still viewed by the press as an expensive failure. During
Nickel Grass, C-5s carried 48% of the total cargo in only 145 of the
567 total missions. The C-5 also carried "outsize" cargo such as M60
Patton tanks, M109 howitzers, ground radar systems, mobile tractor
units, CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters, and A-4 Skyhawk components;
cargo that could not fit in smaller aircraft. This performance
justified the C-5's existence, and allowed the Air Force to move
forward with their proposed upgrade to the C-5B variant.

Another effect of the operation was the near-resignation of then
United States chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) General
George Brown. Brown was reportedly livid that American weapons and
munitions were being sent to a foreign country at the same time that
the American command in Vietnam was protesting a lack of supplies in
its theater of operations.[11]

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