Last one, which I guess does support the idea that the neocons are a
product of this loss
of the liberal consensus (expand social programs, concede to some
civil rights, and win the Cold War against the Soviet Union both with
military might and better rhetoric about freedom, democracy, human
rights, etc).
This is a review of a book by Pat Buchanan by a paleoconservative
blogger. Excerpt only. I think the emphasis should be here on
'ex-liberal' , otherwise most of these people would never have
functioned the way they did in American society (infiltrating elite
society). We should also note that the Israeli agenda is still not yet
complete. First, Iraq has not been broken up completely (yet). Two,
Iran hasn't been 'regime changed' yet.
Third, all Palestinians have not been forced to leave all of Palestine
yet. Fourth, the goal of getting Arab accomodationism might not last
if the price of oil goes down and all their development bubbles get
wiped out.
It's going to be an interesting decade, this next one.


Buchanan Is Right About the Right

Darrell Dow

With Where the Right Went Wrong, Pat Buchanan takes aim squarely at
the neoconservatives.   Buchanan thus joins other paleoconservative
and paleolibertarian authors such as Sam Francis, Paul Gottfried,
Justin Raimondo and Joseph Scotchie who have offered up their own
analyses, diagnoses, and prescriptions to decapitate the parasitical
neocon host presently devouring the body politic.

So who are these mysterious neocons, anyway?  Neoconservatism
originated in few periodicals and northeastern universities in the
1960’s.  Its early exponents were largely Jewish and Eastern European.
 Today, neoconservatism claims such “luminaries” as Jeane Kirkpatrick,
Bill Bennett, Michael Novak, Richard John Neuhaus, and a bevy of
syndicated columnists.  Buchanan calls them “ex-Trotskyites,
socialists, leftists, and liberals who backed FDR, Truman, JDK and
LBJ.”  They are “the boat people of the McGovern revolution that was
itself the political vehicle of the moral, social, and cultural
revolutions of the 1960’s.”

Skilled in the arts of political chicanery and bureaucratic
infighting, the neocons migrated into the Republican Party during the
late 1970’s and early 1980’s.  Sam Francis explains why the neocons
drifted to the right politically:

The political impetus for neoconservatism was, first the threat to the
integrity of universities and American intellectual life presented by
the militancy of the New Left and the barbarism of the counterculture
of the late 1960’s; secondly, the threat to Jewish academic and
professional achievements in America presented by the quotas and
affirmative action programs of the Great Society; and thirdly, the
development of serious anti-Semitism on the Left and the Soviet
alliance with radical anti-Western and anti-Israeli Arab regimes and

Another pillar of the neoconservative mind is the conflation of
American and Israeli national interests, which is the root of the
current mess in Iraq.  In an essay in the Wall Street Journal,
militant neocon Max Boot, who has called for the U.S. to take up the
imperial burden, called support for Israel a “key tenet” of neocon

Buchanan shows how the neocons used the cover of the billowing smoke
of 9/11 to implement long-standing plans to remake the Middle East in
Israel’s interest, with the invasion of Iraq at the top of the agenda.

In 1996, a group called The Institute for Advanced Strategic and
Political Studies published a paper for then Israeli PM Bibi
Netanyahu.  The paper called for Israel to “destabilize, and roll-back
some of its most dangerous threats,” and called the removal of Saddam
Hussein “an important Israeli strategic objective.”  The authors of
this policy paper included attorney Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, and
Richard Perle – all prominent figures in the Bush administration.

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