JF:>>Also, the US by the mid-1970s was being
perceived as starting to lose the cold
war.  Soviet-backed national liberation
movements were making progress in
Africa, Latin America and elsewhere.
The Vietnam War itself, had left the
US exhausted with the American
public less than eager to see US
military intervention in other countries
(what the US ruling class called
"Vietnam syndrome").<<

I remember how the military establishment painted a bleak picture
because they needed fear and panics in order to keep ratcheting up
defense budgets, something they have been very successful at since the
last two years of the Carter administration. I think the 1970s, in
retrospect of course, saw a peak of forces and movements that were
affected and even buffeted, by not wholly explicable, by the Cold War.
That would be for example the zenith of Yugoslavia. The influence of
'third world movements'. Etc.

The US military establishment probably did have something of a crisis.
Not so much over their inability to keep Vietnam and SE Asia under US
control but rather the worn out game they were playing in Europe--that
they could bluster with nuclear weapons should the Soviet Union and
its key Warsaw Pact allies (the ones that had armies cohesive enough
to fight, like E. Germany) launch some sort of conventional blitz on
W. Germany.
The nuclear wild card that the US was so willing to play was not just
in Europe but also in E. Asia too, which is why they 'tactical' nukes
deployed by the thousands all over the world, even in certified
'nuclear free zones' (hardy harr harr).

Hence the shift to 'high tech conventional weapons', even more air
power than before, and 'special forces' (which are really nothing more
than light infantry with extra-long training courses in skull-fucking
each other).

And that brings us to Poppy Bush attacking Iraq and largely conducting
a fake war to 'prove' that the high-tech weapons worked.


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