CeJ jannuzi

>>In 1960 Levi-Strauss' uses structural linguistic concepts to demonstrate the 
>>information in the
binary opposition/base 2 computer sense, in primitive myths<<

It got Althusser going, but this analysis I suspect is largely
nonsense. I won't let it got at that though.
More later on why this sort of binary differential analysis just
doesn't work to measure information.




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This article is about the information storage unit. For the homophone,
see bite. For other uses, see Byte (disambiguation).
The byte (pronounced /ˈbaɪt/) is a unit of digital information in
computing and telecommunications. It is an ordered collection of bits,
in which each bit denotes the binary value of 1 or 0. Historically, a
byte was the number of bits (typically 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 16) used to
encode a single character of text in a computer[1][2] and it is for
this reason the basic addressable element in many computer
architectures. The size of a byte is typically hardware dependent, but
the modern de facto standard is 8 bits, as this is a convenient power
of 2. Most of the numeric values used by many applications are
representable in 8 bits and processor designers optimize for this
common usage. Signal processing applications tend to operate on larger
values and some digital signal processors have 16 or 40 bits as the
smallest unit of addressable storage (on such processors a byte may be
defined to contain this number of bits).

The term octet was explicitly defined to denote a sequence of 8 bits
because of the ambiguity associated with the term byte and is widely
used in communications protocol specifications.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Size
3 Unit symbol or abbreviation
4 Unit multiples
5 See also
6 References

[edit] History
The term byte was coined by Dr. Werner Buchholz in July 1956, during
the early design phase for the IBM Stretch computer.[3][4][5]
Originally it was defined in instructions by a 4-bit field, allowing
sixteen values and typical I/O equipment of the period used six-bit
bytes. A fixed eight-bit byte size was later adopted and promulgated
as a standard by the System/360. The term byte stems from bite, as in
the largest amount of data a computer could bite at once.[citation

A contiguous sequence of binary bits in a serial data stream, such as
in modem or satellite communications, which is the smallest meaningful
unit of data. These bytes might include start bits, stop bits, or
parity bits, and thus could vary from 7 to 12 bits to contain a single
7-bit ASCII code.
A data type in certain programming languages. The C and C++
programming languages, for example, define byte as "addressable unit
of data large enough to hold any member of the basic character set of
the execution environment" (clause 3.6 of the C standard). The C
standard requires that the char integral data type is capable of
holding at least 255 different values, and is represented by at least
8 bits (clause Various implementations of C and C++ define
a byte as 8, 9, 16, 32, or 36 bits[6][7]. The actual number of bits in
a particular implementation is documented as CHAR_BIT as implemented
in the limits.h file. Java's primitive byte data type is always
defined as consisting of 8 bits and being a signed data type, holding
values from −128 to 127.
Early microprocessors, such as Intel 8008 (the direct predecessor of
the 8080, and then 8086) could perform a small number of operations on
four bits, such as the DAA (decimal adjust) instruction, and the half
carry flag, that were used to implement decimal arithmetic routines.
These four-bit quantities were called nibbles, in homage to the
then-common 8-bit bytes.

Historical IETF documents cite varying examples of byte sizes. RFC 608
mentions byte sizes for FTP hosts (the FTP-BYTE-SIZE attribute in host
tables for the ARPANET) to be 36 bits for PDP-10 computers and 32 bits
for IBM 360 systems.[8]

[edit] Size
Architectures that did not have eight-bit bytes include the CDC 6000
series scientific mainframes that divided their 60-bit floating-point
words into 10 six-bit bytes. These bytes conveniently held character
data from punched Hollerith cards, typically the upper-case alphabet
and decimal digits. CDC also often referred to 12-bit quantities as
bytes, each holding two 6-bit display code characters, due to the
12-bit I/O architecture of the machine. The PDP-10 used assembly
instructions LDB and DPB to load and deposit bytes of any width from 1
to 36-bits—these operations survive today in Common Lisp. Bytes of
six, seven, or nine bits were used on some computers, for example
within the 36-bit word of the PDP-10. The UNIVAC 1100/2200 series
computers (now Unisys) addressed in both 6-bit (Fieldata) and nine-bit
(ASCII) modes within its 36-bit word. Telex machines used 5 bits to
encode a character.

Factors behind the ubiquity of the eight bit byte include the
popularity of the IBM System/360 architecture, introduced in the
1960s, and the 8-bit microprocessors, introduced in the 1970s. The
term octet unambiguously specifies an eight-bit byte (such as in
protocol definitions, for example).

[edit] Unit symbol or abbreviation
Prefixes for bit and byte multiples
Value SI
1000 k kilo
10002 M mega
10003 G giga
10004 T tera
10005 P peta
10006 E exa
10007 Z zetta
10008 Y yotta
1024 Ki kibi K kilo
10242 Mi mebi M mega
10243 Gi gibi G giga
10244 Ti tebi
10245 Pi pebi
10246 Ei exbi
10247 Zi zebi
10248 Yi yobi

IEEE 1541 and Metric-Interchange-Format specify B as the symbol for
byte (e.g., MB means megabyte), while IEC 60027 seems silent on the
subject. Unfortunately, B is also used for bel, another unit used in
the same field. The use of B to stand for bel is consistent with the
metric system convention that capitalized symbols are for units named
after a person (in this case Alexander Graham Bell); usage of a
capital B to stand for byte is not consistent with this convention.
However, there is little danger of confusion because the decibel (dB)
is used almost exclusively for bel measurements, while the decibyte
(1/10 of a byte) is never used.

The unit symbol KB is commonly used for kilobyte, but is often
confused with the use of kb to mean kilobit. IEEE 1541 specifies b as
the symbol for bit, however, the IEC 60027 and
Metric-Interchange-Format specify bit (e.g., Mbit for megabit) for the
symbol, achieving maximum disambiguation from byte.

The lowercase letter o for octet is a commonly used symbol in several
non-English-speaking countries, and is also used with metric prefixes
(for example, ko and Mo).

Today the harmonized ISO/IEC IEC 80000-13:2008 - Quantities and units
-- Part 13: Information science and technology standard cancels and
replaces subclauses 3.8 and 3.9 of IEC 60027-2:2005 (those related to
Information theory and Prefixes for binary multiples). See Units of
Information for detailed discussion on names for derived units.

[edit] Unit multiples
See also: Binary prefix

Linearly growing percentage of the difference between decimal and
binary interpretations of the unit prefixes when plotted against the
logarithm of storage size.There has been considerable confusion about
the meanings of SI (or metric) prefixes used with the unit byte,
especially concerning prefixes such as kilo (k or K) and mega (M) as
shown in the chart Prefixes for bit and byte. Since computer memory is
designed with binary logic, multiples are expressed in powers of 2,
rather than 10. The software and computer industries often use binary
estimates of the SI-prefixed quantities, while producers of computer
storage devices prefer the SI values. This is the reason for
specifying computer hard drive capacities of, say, 100 GB, when it
contains 93 GiB of storage space.

While the numerical difference between the decimal and binary
interpretations is small for the prefixes kilo and mega, it grows to
over 20% for prefix yotta, illustrated in the linear-log graph (see
right) of difference versus storage size.

[edit] See also

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