Just a few random observations as I can't keep up with all the posts on
this list or even a single thread.

It seems to me that emphasis on utility/communication leads to ar
radically distorted view of language, its use, and its history. If one
wants to look to other animals for light on language, don't look at
their methods of signalling etc but rather to mutual grooming.  A core
use of language, and I suspect in fact the use that brought it about and
maintains it, is phatic. I presume babies babble even among pre-lingual
h.sapiens and adults coo at each other, make sympathetic grunts (that
are NOT signals or attempts to "communicate" but merey (merely!)
acknowledge the existence of the other.

Most gathering activitities are served very well by non-lingual
signalling. In fact, conversation (for conversation comes with language)
is apt to interfere with such activities.

I am strongly suspicious of all utilitarian explanations of the origins
or history of language.

For coordinated use of muscles, uh uh uh UH serves just as well or beter
than 1 2 3 heave.


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