Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

We have been down this path before.  N. Ireland is the classic instance.
 It was set up in 1922 on the six counties of nine county province of
Ulster. the first Prime Minster declared "a Protestant parliament for a
Protestant people".  The reason why only six counties were included in N.
Ireland was that the other three had large Catholic majorities.  But there
were always too many Catholics in N. Ireland - around 30% then and now
close to 50%.

The demographic danger necessitated systematic discrimination against the
Catholics in terms of  boundary rigging, jobs and housing. That in turn
meant unending social tension between the two communities and that
periodically exploded until we now have a state which is divided by its
power sharing arrangements. Moreover, it is one that is sliding inexorably
into dissolution.

The same fate awaits this one-state dreamed off by the Israeli Right.  And
that is why I still believe that ethnic cleansing is on the Zionist menu.



On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Marv Gandall via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Israel’s decision, announced this weekend, to expropriate 1000 acres of
> Palestinian land is the largest single land grab in the past three decades
> of the occupation, and further evidence, in case such were needed, that it
> has no intention of negotiating a two-state solution.
> I’ve linked below an excellent article published several months ago by the
> Israeli blogger Noam Shiezaf indicating what prominent figures close to the
> governing right-wing coalition have in mind for a single Jewish state
> encompassing the West Bank but excluding Gaza and the Palestinian refugees.
> Contrary to the fears expressed by their liberal counterparts, these
> right-wing Zionists do not believe they will have to choose between
> demography and democracy; they’re convinced they can both grant formal
> citizenship rights to the West Bank Palestinians while retaining a Jewish
> majority in their realized vision of a Greater Israel spanning both banks
> of the Jordan River.
> http://972mag.com/what-is-the-israeli-rights-one-state-vision/90755/
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