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On Sep 2, 2014, at 12:43 AM, Dayne Goodwin via Marxism 
<marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> I think that the discussion on the Israeli 'right' which Marv shared
> with us, is discussion about how an enlarged Israel could still keep
> the remaining Palestinians legally repressed as it already is doing in
> fully Israel controlled territory.  It might come to pass that Israel
> has to do something like this for some time while it still presses
> steadily forward with ethnic cleansing, just as it works steadily now
> to take control of remaining Palestinian land within the 1948 borders
> and press remaining Palestinians to emigrate.  

That will depend on whether it becomes necessary for the Zionists to do so. 
Indigenous populations are not always liquidated or expelled; many remain 
subordinated and segregated within the boundaries of the colonial settler state 
after having been driven off the best land. I suppose you could describe this 
as a kind of internal ethnic cleansing. But the most fascistic Zionists have to 
take into account that Israel, a latecomer to colonialism in an age when this 
is no longer the norm, is under the microscope and international political and 
economic pressure can be brought to bear against it when its brutal treatment 
of the Palestinians becomes especially egregious and arouses world opinion. I 
think the right-wing Zionists are counting on the birthrate of their religious 
fundamentalist base outstripping that of the West Bank Palestinians coupled 
with the fact there is no way they are going to include Gaza or readmit the 
Palestinian refugee masses outside the occupied territories into a
  Greater Israel. This all presupposes, of course, that no threatening third 
intifada or war with neighbouring states erupts in which case both the 
necessity and pretext for further mass expulsion would quickly reappear on the 

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