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At 4:45 PM -0800 1/30/10, Paula wrote:
>Gary wrote:
>"The price of the climate deniers being wrong is much greater than 
>the price of the global warmers being wrong".
>The classical example of this kind of reasoning is Pascal's Wager:

Indeed it is.  Which reveals an awful lot about the debate.

Nobody here doubts that capitalism rapes the world.  Largely this has 
occurred, in recent decades, through corporations who have 'become' 
'people' by an amazing feat of 'law'!  And what have we gotten:  a 
cancer epidemic, toxic waste, poisonous chemicals everywhere in 
everything, elimination of whole species, etc.

Capital had other ways of obliterating ecosystems at other times - 
just read your Galeano or your Bacon - but now we're selling genetic 
code and dependant on aspartame instead of sugar.  This is a whole 
other world.

To my eyes, it's not a world that the 'Global Warming' issue 
addresses in any meaningful way.

Am I the only one who loses my mind when I see 'people' like Chevron 
or BP 'talk' about "carbon footprints"?  Once, early in the 
disgusting campaign, I sent an e-mail asking about THEIR carbon 
footprint ... just to decompress.

This debate - one given huge amounts of attention by an institutional 
media which always operates in opposition to the public good - 
DIVERTS attention from the cause of environmental justice.  It exists 
as a distraction to avert our eyes from what presents itself in the 
dioxin-filled soil beneath our own two feet:  who is really guilty.

In the last year, we have learned about Al Gores HUGE financial stake 
in the Green Industry, watched NBC have "Green" days to raise 
awareness of the issue, and discovered that East Anglia University 
has basically been operating as a propaganda shop for the 'global 
warming' agenda.

Color me a bit dubious.

The outcome at Copenhagen in response to the 'global warming' agenda, 
along with the suspicions that Russia leaked the East Anglia e-mails, 
suggest to me that there's WAY more to this issue than Sarkozy 
yammering that the "survival of the human race" depended on this 
issue (and bailouts and 'al qaeda').

I'm not saying Sarkozy is lying.  I'm saying Sarkozy is Sarkozy.

And if we're not careful, all we'll see is capital's "carbon 
footprint" because it blew by us after the headfake.


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