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Shawn Redden wrote:
> To my eyes, it's not a world that the 'Global Warming' issue 
> addresses in any meaningful way.
> Am I the only one who loses my mind when I see 'people' like Chevron 
> or BP 'talk' about "carbon footprints"?  Once, early in the 
> disgusting campaign, I sent an e-mail asking about THEIR carbon 
> footprint ... just to decompress.

I would pay less attention to Chevron public service announcements on 
PBS than to this:

New Left Review 61, January-February 2010

by Mike Davis


What follows is rather like the famous courtroom scene in Orson Welles’s 
The Lady from Shanghai (1947). [1] In that noir allegory of proletarian 
virtue in the embrace of ruling-class decadence, Welles plays a leftwing 
sailor named Michael O’Hara who rolls in the hay with femme fatale Rita 
Hayworth, and then gets framed for murder. Her husband, Arthur 
Bannister, the most celebrated criminal lawyer in America, played by 
Everett Sloane, convinces O’Hara to appoint him as his defence, all the 
better to ensure his rival’s conviction and execution. At the turning 
point in the trial, decried by the prosecution as ‘yet another of the 
great Bannister’s famous tricks’, Bannister the attorney calls Bannister 
the aggrieved husband to the witness stand and interrogates himself in 
rapid schizoid volleys, to the mirth of the jury. In the spirit of Lady 
from Shanghai, this essay is organized as a debate with myself, a mental 
tournament between analytic despair and utopian possibility that is 
personally, and probably objectively, irresolvable.

full: http://newleftreview.org


The Moment Of Truth

By Fidel Castro

18 December, 2009

The news from the Danish capital gives a picture of chaos. After 
planning a conference with about 40 thousand people in attendance, the 
hosts find it impossible to honor their promise. Evo, the first of the 
two presidents of ALBA-member countries to arrive, stated some truths 
derived from the millennium-old culture of his people.

According to press agencies he said that he had received a mandate from 
the Bolivian people to oppose any agreement that does not meet the 
expectations. He explained that climate change is not the cause but the 
effect, and that we all have an obligation to defend the rights of 
Mother Earth vis-à-vis a capitalist development model; to defend the 
culture of life vis-à-vis the culture of death. He also addressed the 
climate debt that the rich countries should pay to the poor countries 
and the return of the atmospheric space taken from the latter.



Jose Maria Sison: End Monopoly Capitalism to Arrest Climate Change
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The following statement, “End Monopoly Capitalism to Arrest Climate 
Change” by Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson of the International League of 
People’s Struggle:

Human societies have created the bases of our survival, sustenance and 
advancement through the use of our natural resources in production with 
rudimentary tools and rising levels of science and technology. Yet in no 
time in history has environmental destruction been systematically 
brought about in most parts of the world.

The people of the world face today global poverty, economic wars and 
environmental crises. They are confronted by an escalating, more 
rapacious and vicious campaign of plunder by monopoly capitalism. This 
aggravates the already devastated and polluted natural environment.

The massive dumping of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere by the 
operations of monopoly capitalist firms in the energy industries, 
manufacturing, transportation, industrial agriculture, mining, 
construction, etc. is now generating climatic changes that are causing 
massive devastation and loss of human lives around the world.


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